A new solo exhibition of my mixed-media art is running from September 8th through November 15th, 2008 at The Transamerica Pyramid Center, 505 Sansome Street (at Clay), San Francisco, California. The building is open to the public weekdays during normal business hours.
Produced by Jan Casey Bertrand of Casey & Associates 415. 834 2394 (www.caseyandassociatessf.com) the show features recent images of railroad cars, rural barns, and abandoned structures photographed from America's rural and secondary roads.
The imagery continues my exploration of the changing American landscape, with small towns that only now exist on old maps and in the memories of their former inhabitants.
Many of the Blue Highways, once the main routes between the small towns, are empty of traffic and life itself - forgotten by most. That aspect of our collective history needs to be reviewed, remembered and celebrated.
An article by Leslie Harlib about the current exhibit at ArtBrokers,Inc. Gallery in Sausalito, California appeared in the Marin Independent Journal on September 4th, http://www.marinij.com/lifestyles/ci_10376056.
The show at ArtBrokers,Inc. Gallery 415. 332 2660 has been extended through mid-October 2008. Further information on the exhibit can be obtained from the Gallery's web site at www.artbrokersinc.com.
You may contact me at Eric Engstrom Fine Arts 415. 453 1647 or at ericengstrom@comcast.net.
All Images Copyright 2008 Eric Engstrom
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